Lyme Disease Cases Severely Underestimated
According to Holly Ahern, an associate professor of microbiology at the State University of New York (SUNY) Adirondack - Lyme disease, now the fastest growing infectious disease, has finally exceeded the number of cases of gonorrhea each year (350,062 in 2014) and is second only to chlamydia's figures (1,441,789 in 2014).
"But even that estimate could be far too low, according to Holly Ahern, who has studied the Lyme bacterium since 2010, figures new cases of Lyme disease are more likely double, closer to 700,000 per year.
She says that's because the blood tests for Lyme, upon which the CDC's statistics are based, have a sensitivity rate of less than 50 percent. "This means that for every two people who have Lyme disease, only one person will be diagnosed as having it. This leaves the other 50 percent without a diagnosis, and therefore without effective treatment," Ahern says. "It is not just the fastest growing vector-borne disease, it is already the second most common infectious disease, right after chlamydia, and ahead of gonorrhea."
- Outside Magazine, Apr 3, 2017
Lyme Advocacy, News, and Publications
Lyme Times
Now in digital format at lymedisease.org
Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons
by Kris Newby
Chronic Lyme Disease: A Case Definition At Last
PRWEB, May 27, 2017
The ‘Swiss Agent’: Long-forgotten Research Unearths New Mystery About Lyme Disease
STAT, Oct 12, 2016
Drexel University Team Duplicates Dr Alan MacDonald’s Findings of Bacterial Biofilms in Alzheimer’s Plaques
Spirochaetal Alzheimer's Association, 2016
Morgellons Disease: A Filamentous Borrelial Dermatitis
Dove Medical Press, Oct 14, 2016
Tick Bites That Trigger Meat Allergies On The Rise
The Guardian, Oct 6, 2016
Recognition Of And Prompt Treatment For Tick-Borne Infections In Children
PubMed, Sep 29, 2015
Lyme Carditis: Cardiac Abnormalities of Lyme Disease
Annals of Internal Medicine, Jul 1, 1980
Lyme Disease: The Promise of Big Data, Companion Diagnostics and Precision Medicine
Dove Medical Press, Sept 13, 2016
Recent Study Suggests That Lyme Disease Can Be Sexually Transmitted
Lymedisease.org, Jan 25, 2014
Persistence of The Lyme Disease Bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi (Chronic Lyme)
360 References
Study IDs Key Birds That Host Lyme Disease Bacteria In California
University of California, Berkeley, Feb 25, 2015
U of T Researchers Find That Ancient Iceman's Infection Helps Lyme Disease Bone Loss Discovery
University of Toronto, Jan 05, 2017
Alec Baldwin Talks Lyme Disease Battle
Fox News, May 22, 2017
List of 700 Articles Citing Chronic Infection Associated With Tick-Borne Disease
Compiled By Dr. Robert Bransfield
The Bitter Feud over LYMErix
A must read article about the Lyme vaccine
How Can I Get Better?: An Action Plan for Treating Resistant Lyme & Chronic Disease
Why Can't I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease
Two publications by Dr. Richard Horowitz
Cure Unknown, Inside the Lyme Epidemic
by Pamela Weintraub
Excellent explanation of the scientific, medical and political turmoil surrounding Lyme disease.
Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: 13 Lyme-literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies
by Connie Strasheim
Tick Bites & MS
by Bonnie Bennett
Bonnie connects the dots from Borrelia and its related tick-vectored disease agents to many cases of multiple sclerosis.
Dr. Burrascano's Lyme Treatment Guidelines
A 37-page document, highlight the parts that pertain to you
Treatment Guidelines - Treat The Bite!
Help Prevent Chronic Lyme & Tick Borne Diseases
Recommendations From “Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease”
by Dr. Joseph Burrascano